Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Acklinators Leave Their Mark!

I added the pics in a reverse order...scroll to the bottom of this post to see the progress chronologically!!! Thanks again Glenn and Julie for all your hard work!!! We really appreciated your visit, and the next one will be much more relaxing...we think...

With our bed in the bedroom, there actually seems to still be some room...after sleeping on our mattress on the floor for the past 6 months or so, we're having to acclimate ourselves to the new altitude of our bed...we're not complaining...
Here's Emily reclining after the carpet was installed...we're crossing our fingers that the new fan stays in the ceiling where it is supposed to! It sort of is our early warning system in case the entire ceiling decides to come crashing down some night...

Here's the bedroom waiting for carpet...

Nice neat lines...Julie did a great job on the finish painting...

Here's a newly hung door with a new coat of paint on the trim,courtesy of the Acklinator Team...

Glenn thought it would be smart to add some support under the toilet in the bathroom so guests woudn't end up down in the basement...thanks!

Here's the tile (missing grout) and where the sink is going to go one of these days when the plumber gets their act together...

Looking sharp!

Tiling is fun! Right Glenn?

Here's the wonderboard being laid over the redwood subbase...

Here's the bathroom minus the particle board/plywood/linoleum covering. Glenn had to do some reinforcing in a few problem areas...


Chris Greenfield said...

Oh my goodness- It looks so good!!! I can't believe how far you guys have gotten. I love the colors. I can't wait until I get to come visit you both!

Linnea and Brian said...

WOW!!! That looks wonderful....what an improvement...seriously, have you guys considering entering in a before/after contest? Good thing you have good documention!

Enjoy feeling settled!